
Permaculture with Perrine Bulgheroni

Perrine BULGHERONI (formerly Herve-Gruyer) is the co-founder of the renowned Bec Hellouin farm, celebrated for its innovative approach to sustainable agriculture. With over 20 years of experience, Perrine is a leading figure in permaculture, farming, and gardening . Her expertise and passion for sustainability are evident in her public engagements, where she shares insights on topics ranging from permaculture to agriculture reinvention. Perrine's dedication to sustainable living and her friendly demeanor make her coaching sessions, consulting, and online engagements compelling choices for anyone seeking to embrace a greener lifestyle.

What is permaculture?

Permaculture and biointensive gardening are two innovative approaches to gardening and farming that offer unique benefits to gardeners and farmers looking to optimize their land use while promoting sustainability. Permaculture focuses on designing agricultural systems that mimic the natural ecosystems, aiming for sustainability and self-sufficiency. It integrates land, resources, people, and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies, emphasizing the use of perennial plants, the conservation of water, and the building of soil health. This method is ideal for those who want to create a harmonious, low-maintenance garden or farm that supports biodiversity and ecological balance.
Biointensive gardening, on the other hand, is a method focused on maximizing yields from a minimal area of land through deep soil preparation, close plant spacing, and the use of compost and sustainable farming practices. It is particularly effective for small-scale growers and aims to achieve long-term sustainability on a closed-loop basis. This method helps in preserving and improving soil quality, maximizing production on small-scale farms, and saving time.
So, if you want to create a more sustainable garden improving soil health, conserving water, and promoting biodiversity. If you want to be efficient in your garden, get high yields in small spaces. If you do not want to spend hours weeding and trying to get a yield, but on the contrary, you want to create a low maintenance garden, designing a self-regulating system that require less ongoing maintenance. If you do not want to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, but you want to protect the environment and promote healthier crops. If you want your garden to be more resilient to pests, diseases, and climate fluctuations, just mimic natural ecosystems. If you adopt these methods and are ready to learn with Perrine, you will enjoy a productive, sustainable, and environmentally friendly gardening experience, with the added benefit of contributing to the regeneration of your local ecosystem.

What Perrine can do for you!


Join Perrine for live coaching sessions, get answers to your questions, gain practical insights, and personalized guidance. Whether you're looking to reshape your garden, or feel stuck or do not even know where to start, Perrine's expertise will light the way. With limited slots available for these exclusive live sessions, the time to act is now. 


Transform your space into a beacon of sustainability with Perrine’s on-site consulting. Whether you're cultivating a private garden, developing a community food project, launching a farm, or creating a green haven for your business employees, Perrine's tailored guidance will help you grow a thriving, productive ecosystem. Book your on-site consulting session with Perrine now and sow the seeds for a sustainable food production. 

On-line courses

Join Perrine for an exclusive journey into the world of permaculture and digital learning! Dive deep into our interactive online training sessions, designed to bring a wealth of knowledge in pedagogical design and e-learning. Whether you're seeking to expand your understanding of permaculture principles or want to master the art of sustainable living, our training has got you covered. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from the best in the field. Sign up now to unlock a world of knowledge and become part of a thriving community committed to making a difference. For more details and registration, click here!

Books and tools

Dive into the heart of permaculture or sustainable living with Perrine’s expertly curated selection of books and tools. Each piece has been meticulously chosen by Perrine, ensuring only the highest quality and most effective resources to guide you on your journey through permaculture and beyond. Click here to explore Perrine's selection of books and tools. Embrace the permaculture way with resources that are as nurturing to the gardener as they are to the garden. 


From preserving biodiversity to reshaping our food systems, from innovative farming practices to implementing ecosystem thinking in your business and the very essence of environmental management, Perrine's expertise covers a wide range of topics vital to our times. Seize the opportunity to be at the forefront of sustainable innovation. Book Perrine for your next conference and gain access to a world of knowledge, practical solutions and visionary ideas. Click here to invite Perrine to your next event and enter a future where sustainability and prosperity go hand in hand.

Real success stories

Dive into the testimonials on EasyPerma's website: Explore the stories of those who have been touched and transformed by its teachings, showcasing the power of permaculture not only to nourish the body but also to regenerate the earth and bring communities together. These personal narratives illuminate how EasyPerma's philosophy, embodied by Perrine, plants seeds of lasting change for a greener and more resilient future.

To stay informed...


Frequently asked questions

What can I expect from Perrine's coaching sessions?

How can I book a coaching session program with Perrine, and what are the rates? 

What is a coaching program made of and what is the duration?

What is the typical duration of a live coaching session?

Embark in the permaculture adventure with me!

Discover the latest in permaculture innovation, upcoming events, and unique opportunities directly from Perrine Bulgheroni. Fill out the form below to share your email address with us. By doing so, you'll ensure you're always in the loop with Perrine's pioneering work in sustainable agriculture and permaculture design. We value your privacy and interest in sustainable living. Join us in this journey towards a greener future
Some of the photos on this site were taken at the Bec Hellouin Farm and are copyrighted. © Bec Hellouin Farm. All rights reserved.